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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Greek language

The Greek language is about inspirations. To understand the Greek Gods and Goddesses one must understand emotion. Feelings and emotions are the Seat of the Soul. As for homosexuality the truth I found was that the Roman Senatorial traditionalists were the homosexuals who used anal sex to climb the stairs of success and rewrote lies and gossip and blamed the Greeks. For Aristotle told the truth. And I have studied and read his observations. He stated that Alexander the Great was the closest thing to a God he had everseen. A force of nature, and a dreamer. I love my bLog . Do u love your bLog?
Our family is part weird but we love them anyways. What is your family like? Are you adopted? I am adopted as well. If you disbelieve my facts please read the Book of Macabees in the Bible. For Alexander the Great and King Philip are mentioned in the Story.